Changes to Farm Household Assistance effective 20 September 2023

Farm Household Allowance (FHA) provides help to eligible farmers, and their partners, experiencing financial hardship. It offers planning and training for long-term financial improvements.

FHA is a package of assistance available to cash-strapped farming families, regardless of the source of the hardship. The assistance includes up to4 years of fortnightly income support in every 10-year period.

Several measures announced in the Budget 2023-24 will benefit FHA recipients. The changes start from 20 September 2023:

  • An increase to the base rate of FHA by $40 per fortnight (further indexed for CPI)
  • Higher rate of FHA to single recipients aged 55 to 59, who receive the payment for 9 or more continuous months. Currently the qualifying age for this higher rate is 60, and
  • Increase to the maximum rate of Rent Assistance by 15 per cent.
  • Energy Relief Payments from 1 July 2023 to provide support with rising energy prices. To find out more, visit Energy Bill Relief
  • As FHA recipients receive a Health Care Card, they can benefit from the increased bulk bill incentives for GP visits and telehealth consultations. To find out more visit the Department of Health and Aged Care.  
  • Increased dispensing limit of 2 months for some PBS medicines, rather than the current one-month supply limit. This change will mean fewer visits to the doctor and the pharmacy and lower out-of-pocket costs for some common medicines. To find out more visit the Department of Health and Aged Care.
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