Food Standards Australia and New Zealand have released a number of key items related to energy and sugar labelling following food Ministers meeting in early November 2023.
On 17 November 2023, FSANZ release Notification Circular 270-23 which among other things noted that FSANZ had approved a variation to the food standards code, arising from proposal P1062 Defining added sugars for claims. The Food Ministers forum now has 60 days to accept or request changes to the variation. This proposal is relevant to all food but may have broader future implications for wine labelling. It relates to defining “added sugar” in products for the purposes of making claims. While claims such as “no added sugar” are minimal in wine, these definitions could have relevance to wine as they relate to the addition of “fruit juice” and fermented beverages.
Furthermore Australian Grape & Wine have been invited by FSANZ to participate in a targeted consultation meeting regarding Proposal P1059 – Energy labelling on alcoholic beverages. The meeting has been set up following the release of FSANZ P1059 Consumer research report. The purpose of the consultation is for FSANZ to present the findings of the research and seek views on FSANZ proposed approach for moving forward with P1059.
Australian Grape & Wine continues to track these issues closely in advocating for the interests of Australian grape and wine producers.