Pest, disease and weed management is a problem we all face in viticulture. Australian Grape & Wine supports sustainable management approach that considers non-chemical alternatives where they are feasible. We also support a transparent and scientific evidence-based approach to risk assessments that inform regulatory decisions by Governments. We do so in recognition that a broader set of solutions assists growers to produce clean and healthy fruit sustainably and so that we avoid resistance to existing control technologies.
In January this year, the United States Environmental Protection Agency reaffirmed the safety of glyphosate, finding it is not a carcinogen. Agricultural plant protection products, including glyphosate, continue to be some of the most regulated products in the world. The world’s most advanced, independent and scientifically-competent regulators have assessed and reassessed glyphosate and declared it to be safe. They concluded that there are no risks of concern to human health when glyphosate is used according to the label and that it is not a carcinogen.
Australian Grape and Wine strongly advocates that all producers must be vigilant in strictly following label guidelines regarding safe use and avoidance of spray drift. These are legal responsibilities. Australian Grape & Wine commits to providing leadership to industry driving comprehensive protocols and practices that ensure safe use.
CropLife Australia have provided a letter with an update regarding glyphosate-based herbicides following a recent increase in glyphosate media reporting as a result of US court proceedings. Read the CropLife Letter here.