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Events Archive

Webinar: Uncovering the consumer truths in the wine category

The findings from the recent release of new consumer research on South Korea and Japan will reveal the current consumer reality around Australia as a country and a wine category, and share the existing truths behind our perceived strengths, weaknesses, and the potential opportunities for Australia as a future consumer champion category for wine.

Watch a recording of the webinar here.

Are you bogged mate?

Australian Grape & Wine is proud to bring Mary O’Brien and her Are you bogged mate?  program to wine regions around Australia. Join Mary O’Brien as she discusses mental health awareness for you and your workmates.

Download Are You Bogged Mate flyer

Watch Mary O’Brien on Landline

2022 Outlook Conference at the AWITC

The 2022 Outlook Conference, presented by Australian Grape & Wine, will be held on the first day of the AWITC.  Session 1 will look at the Economic and Business outlook which focuses on the global economic trends affecting the industry and issues and challenges with global trade and agriculture.  In Session 2 we discuss why strong regions are the key to success, why wine is a legitimate part of a civilised society and how we live with climate change. We live in dynamic times, so in Session 3 it is apt to ask what are the product and buying trends in the alcohol industry, what are the key insights in our key export markets and what are the global marketing trends and what does that mean for Australian wine industry?  This is a must see for all business owners in the grape and wine sector.

pre-Vintage Briefing. Vintage 2022

Watch Youtube Recording

Tune in for an honest, informative discussion lead by Australian Grape & Wine Chief Executive, Tony Battaglene, along with leading winegrape grower, Jim Caddy and Ben Mislov from Flinders Ports. Our speakers will cut through the rhetoric to give a raw assessment of how they see Vintage 2022 playing out and how the dynamics of the global shipping trade impacts Australian importers and exporters .

Australian Grape & Wine 2021 Industry Briefing

Australian Grape & Wine hosted a Livestream of our Annual Industry Briefing on Tuesday 20 July 2021, broadcasting on YouTube and Facebook platforms.

Watch a full recording of the Industry Briefing on our YouTube Channel to hear our speakers talk about the current federal political environment, the outlook for the Australian wine sector, climate change, the state of play for our sector following China’s import duties decision, marketing Australian wine in the new world, what’s trending with the new consumer, and the role of innovation in transforming the wine sector of the future.

You can download copies of the presentation decks as below:

Tony Battaglene – The Australian Wine Sector – Predicting and crafting the future we want through advocacy.

Chris Auricht – Climate Change:  Why farmers need to plan now.

Tim Mableson – Australian Wine: The State of Play for grape and wine businesses post China fallout.

Alison Sinclair & Leigh Firkin – What’s new with today’s consumer and is wine keeping up with the trend?

Michele Allan – The role of “innovation” in transforming the grape and wine sector of the future.

Virtual Interactive Q&A: The Code of Conduct for Australian Winegrape Purchases

On Thursday 8 October, Australian Grape & Wine held an interactive Q&A to learn about the Code of Conduct for Australian Winegrape Purchases (the Code). 

Hear our guest panelists Tony Battaglene – Chief Executive of Australian Grape & Wine, Peter Hayes – Independent Chair Code Management Committee, Eric Wilkes – Group Manager Commercial Services at AWRI and Anna Hooper – Manager Industry Policy at Australian Grape & Wine discuss what’s new and what’s changed in the revised Code.  

Watch Webinar Recording of Q&A here

For further information on the Code of Conduct for Australian Winegrape Purchases:

Read more on the Code

Download the Code

Sign up to the Code

Australian Wine Industry Grower Summit 2020

On Wednesday 26 August, Australian Grape & Wine presented the 2020 Australian Wine Industry Grower Summit.  The 2 hour virtual interactive summit covered water management, varieties and market trends, marketing your business to be a supplier of choice, succession planning and strategic planning for a business in 2020 – from a growers perspective.  

Watch a recording of the Summit

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